LCSR Seminar: Dave Akin “Robotics for Extreme Environments: Space, Undersea, and Medical Rehabilitation”

September 28, 2016 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
B17 Hackerman Hall
Peter Kazanzides/Louis Whitcomb

Dr. David L. Akin

Director, Space Systems Laboratory

Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering

University of Maryland



For decades, the Space Systems Laboratory at the University of Maryland has been involved with advancing the capabilities of dexterous robotic systems to facilitate operations in challenging environments such as space and deep ocean. This work has been focused on developing integrated systems for these “extreme” environments, usually involving both mobility and dexterous manipulation. The talk will focus on the design, development, and operation of robotic systems developed in the SSL, including the Ranger Dexterous Servicing System (originally intended as a Space Shuttle flight experiment), SAMURAI (a 6000-meter deep ocean autonomous sampling system), an exoskeleton system for shoulder rehabilitation, and various rovers and robot arms.



David L. Akin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Director of the Space Systems Laboratory at the University of Maryland. He earned SB (1974), SM (1975), and ScD (1981) degrees from M.I.T. His current research focuses on space operations, including dexterous robotics, pressure suit design, and human-robot interactions. He is also active in the areas of spacecraft design, space simulation, and space systems analysis. He has been principal investigator for several space flight systems, and for multiple experimental space suit and robotic systems. He has over 100 professional publications in journals and conference proceedings.

Laboratory for Computational Sensing + Robotics